Red Dragon Organics Red Dragon is renown for its ethicial, positive and health concious outlook as much of its organic
energy giving drink. One of just four certified Organic Beers in the world, Red Dragon uses minimal processing to create a Red Dragon Organics have been using Grander Water Technology in their products for more than Some benefits include:
"We have been using Grander® water here at Red Dragon Organics for more than 12 years now.
I feel that it is excellent, and aids both the stability of the 'live' products we make, and also the absorption of our ingredients by the consumer.
Turmeric can be hard to absorb yet our Turmeric ginger beer acts noticeably within 1 hour 40 minutes!
It certainly is one of our 'secret' ingredients that push our 'Living Elixir' ® Turmeric Ginger beers into being such potent therapeutic products.
And it is surely a part of our Sugar Free Living Elixir ® being voted "Best Australian Organic Product of 2014." (Organic consumer choice awards National Organic week)
Richard Patton Red Dragon Organics owner/manager.
Download Red Dragon brochure here
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